Memorize Scripture
Spiritually Fit
Revolutionary System
Spiritually Fit is a revolutionary system that incorporates the use of a personal trainer to help you not only memorize scripture but to take it to the next level and actually meditate upon those scriptures you have memorized, with the intent of incorporating them into your everyday life.
Spiritually Fit is a revolutionary system that incorporates the use of a personal trainer to help you not only memorize scripture, but to take it to the next level and actually meditate upon those scriptures you have memorized, with the intent of incorporating them into your everyday life.
Welcome to Spiritually Fit and a lifetime of enjoying the benefits of meditating on God’s word! God has promised to prosper the lives of those who meditate upon His word! With Spiritually Fit you will systematically memorize and meditate upon more scriptures than you thought possible. The Spiritually Fit system will enable you to memorize hundreds of verses and recall each of them instantly by chapter and verse and topic. Your personal trainer, Pastor Gene LaValley, will keep you engaged and focused every step of the way, and you won’t believe your results. Bodily exercise is fine, but exercising yourself unto Godliness helps in every way in this life and the one to come. (1 Tim 4:8)
I will consistently and aggressively speak God’s Word (out loud and within my mind) on a dialy basis in and over my life, my body, my circumstances, my situations, my thoughts, my attitudes, my friends, my adversaries, my family, my finances, my nations, God’s people, and His church, REGARDLESS of how I feel or what my circumstances dictate or what I see, or what my natural mind thinks, or what others tell me. I choose to believe God’s Word in all of life’s situations and circumstances and to speak and act accordingly. God’s Word is always true and His Word is the most powerful and reliable thing in the entire universe! God is His Word! I will find out and seek out God’s word and will for my situation, what He says about my circumstances. I will see and say what God sees and what God says about everything, and I will confront and challenge my situation and circumstances with what God’s Word says. I will speak God’s “Thus saith the Lord…” and His “It is written…” I will believe and say what God says about everything and everyone in life.
The “secret” behind the Spiritually Fit system is the daily, verbal, repetition of the verses coupled with the unique review system which causes the scriptures to go from short to long term memory. The benefits of Spiritually Fit are numerous and incalculable – but most importantly, you saturate your mind with the Word of God, and you develop the critical ability to take charge of your own thought life and direct and focus your mind on what you and God want it focused upon, His Word! In doing so you position yourself to receive the blessing of God on all those who make His law their delight and meditate on it both day and night! (Ps 1:2)
The first thing to understand is that the goal of the Spiritually Fit is not to “merely memorize scripture”, although this is a worthwhile goal. The goal is to draw closer to God and grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18) . Our goal is to also grow in faith and understanding of God by actually doing what the scriptures say (John 7:17). In other words, to not just be a “hearer” of the word but a “doer” of the word. (James 1:22) The goal of Spiritually Fit is to become a more Godly individual.
The Spiritually Fit system is a means to an end. We memorize the word of God as step one of a three step process. Step two is to meditate upon the word that we have hidden within our hearts and minds. Step three is to allow His word to guide our everyday lives, actions, decisions and lifestyles, thus drawing closer to Him. Someone has said that memorization without meditation is merely information and that meditation without obedience is like chewing without swallowing. In order to get the full benefit of God’s word (which is a closer walk with Him) we must have the input of His word, the processing of His word within us and the actual application of His word in our everyday lives. This is where and when the blessing of God comes!
Many believers want to memorize the Word of God and many make many valiant attempts to do so. But, too often it is much like dieting, it only lasts for so long and then it’s back to the old ways. There are several reasons for this, first, we usually follow the path of least resistance, and we lose motivation fairly rapidly. Secondly, we go the road alone, because it is hard to find someone else who is interested and if we do, they are usually on different schedules and have different memorization abilities.
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These first three sets of scriptures are what I refer to as the “Starter Packs”. These are basic scriptures that refer to the truths in the Kingdom of God and basic doctrinal truths Christians adhere to. There is not an overall theme to each set of ten scriptures as there are with the other “packs”. I encourage you to let these verses sink deep within your heart, mind and spirit. As you memorize them and then meditate upon them, they will bring light and life to your soul.
These scripture verses contain man’s revelation of God. Abram, Moses, David, Isaiah and Jeremiah each had a revelation concerning a specific attribute of God. These are a few of the scriptures that reveal those attributes. As you meditate upon them, allow their truths to sink deep within your soul.
Lesson Guide (PDF)
Genesis 15:1
Genesis 17:1
Exodus 3:14
Exodus 34:6
Leviticus 11:45
Psalm 95:3
Psalm 99:9
Psalm 145:3
Isaiah 40:12
Jeremiah 32:17
Lesson Review
This was one of the fun packs to put together. I was inspired concerning John 3:16 – How everyone seems to know this verse, but what about some other 3:16 verses? So I went through the Bible gleaning out ten 3:16 verses. Here they are! All of them just as worthy to commit to memory as John 3:16.
Lesson Guide (PDF)
Malachi 3:16
1 Corinthians 3:16
Colossians 3:16
2 Thessalonians 3:16
1 Timothy 3:16
2 Timothy 3:16
James 3:16
1 Peter 3:16
1 John 3:16
Revelations 3:16
Lesson Review
The Dear Abby columnist wrote that after 50 years of doing a daily advice column, people’s number one issue they sought advice concerning had to do with fear. Today if you google “fear” & “phobias” you will come up with a list as long as your arm. Someone has calculated that there are 365 different scripture references that have to do with fear. That would be one for each day of the year. Thank God His word is not silent when it comes to fear, no matter what form it comes in or how it manifests itself. This “Fear Pack” contains just a random sampling of those verses. There are many more that you can search out yourself and add to your Spiritual Fitness.
Lesson Guide (PDF)
Joshua 1:9
Proverbs 1:33
Matthew 28:5-6
Luke 12:4
Luke 12:32
Philippains 4:6
2 Timothy 1:7
1 Peter 3:14
1 John 4:18
Revelation 1:17
Lesson Review
Anger management is a big business today. Many people are literally “losing it”. We have all heard or read about road rage or some other account of someone going off on someone and doing damage to them and to their own lives. How many prison cells are occupied by individuals who are unable to control their own anger. God has something to say about anger and these scriptures will help you understand its origin and how to control it, all without medication!
Lesson Guide (PDF)
Genesis 4:6-7
Psalm 37:8
Proverbs 14:29
Proverbs 15:18
Proverbs 16:32
Proverbs 19:11
Romans 12:19
Galatians 5:19-20
Ephesians 4:26-27
James 1:20
Lesson Review
Almost a forgotten word among many believers, this word is still alive in God’s vocabulary. Learn and review some of the foundational scriptures of Christianity from John the Baptist to Jesus Himself and the apostles Peter and Paul as they all had something to say concerning repentance. It is impossible to be Spiritually Fit without this wonderful truth!
Lesson Guide (PDF)
Matthew 3:1-2
Mark 1:14-15
Mark 6:12
Luke 5:32
Acts 2:37-38
Acts 3:19
Acts 8:22
Acts 17:30
Revelation 2:5
Revelation 2:16
Lesson Review
This is why Jesus came, so that we could be saved. These ten verses provide the beginning of an understanding of God’s purpose for our lives as well as the necessity of proper human response to God’s invitation to salvation. As you meditate on these verses God will open your understanding with new and exciting insights into His word and nature.
Lesson Guide (PDF)
Matthew 1:21
Luke 19:10
John 3:17
Acts 2:21
Acts 2:40
Acts 16:30-31
Acts 28:28
2 Corinthians 7:10
1 Timothy 2:4
1 Peter 1:23
Lesson Review
This is the Great Commission for the church, to go into all the world and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations. Unfortunately it is often ignored, to the detriment of the Kingdom of God. Discipleship is not optional. It is part of the great commission and the method of evangelism that God has ordained. These scriptures help us to understand the depths of this great truth.
Lesson Guide (PDF)
Genesis 14:4
Isaiah 8:16
Matthew 8:21-23
Matthew 16:24-25
Matthew 21:6
Matthew 28:19-20
Acts 11:26
1 Corinthians 4:1-2
Philippians 4:9
2 Timothy 2:2
Lesson Review
Herein is the heart of Christianity because it is the heart of God, for a lost and dying world. Jesus came to seek and save that which is lost (Luke 19:10). This means winning souls for Christ. There is not a more important goal or pressing need. Every person who names the name of Jesus Christ has the responsibility and privilege of winning the lost. These scripture verses will impress upon your heart that great need and help you to experience the great joy of winning just one soul to Christ.
Lesson Guide (PDF)
Matthew 9:37-38
Matthew 24:14
Luke 9:1-2
Luke 9:6
Acts 8:4
Acts 8:12
Acts 26:22
Acts 28:30-31
Romans 10:14-15
1 Corinthians 1:18
Lesson Review
The Door
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